
Friday, October 22, 2010

not for lack of making...

a sweet hat for little ones - and big ones. this will be my first make-to-order deal on etsy...

so much fun...
I think these will be called chrysalis cowls...
this one has an extra long sleevey cozy...hmmm...anyways, they should be up on etsy soon. LOTS more...too...and a few glovettes and hats...
thanks so much to Julia of Green Cocoon for taking photos and inspiring and sharing her gorgeous backyard...look at those beautiful golden globes scattered in the sun-speckled grass...yaaaaa...i should have had her model the cowls for me, though...i am so not photographable 98% of the time...

close up of a cowl

i am so excited to be done procrastinating taking photos and look forward to making and sharing more....
my darling tried one of the more perfect globes of gold, picked from the tree...i think it tasted pretty good, actually...