
halo! welcome to my humble headquarters, here you can see what fun we are getting up to in the studio, kitchen, garden and out and about. You can check out our crafty goods in the toyshop and the crafty-shop - and what we are offering in our edible endeavors over at humble food (recipes and fun ideas for nourishing your own sweet family!). Please enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Okay, I know I haven't posted for a while, and I promised to try every week, and this post is not even accentuated by a photo, but I thought I would still drag my feet out of the mud and get a little momentum.

I am adventuring. I am adventuring into all things new, each day, and hope to share this adventure through text and texture and light here in this microcosmic world of blogging. I am adventuring into new creative landscapes and sharing, and who knows what else...stay tuned for photos and processing of new cowls, necklets and other mysteries!